This blog is intended to provide a discussion forum on topics surrounding pregnancy, labor, birth, breastfeeding and family health. The purpose is to review research studies, articles and highlight the buzz in health news. But please remember, I am not your health care provider and do not intend to give medical advice.:)

For more information about the purpose of this blog, please read the "Welcome" post

Thursday, November 4, 2010

CMV - If You Are Pregnant or Soon-To-Be, Here are Some Things You Should Know.

Not many people have heard of CMV (cytomegalovirus), though it is actually a common infection. A large portion of individuals have contracted the virus at some point in their life (it is a member of the herpes viruses, which include herpes simplex and herpes zoster [chickenpox]). For the vast majority of individuals, the infection does not cause significant issues. As with chicken pox, pregnant women, however can be at a higher risk of transmitting the virus to their unborn babies, which could lead to significant issues for those babies. In fact, CMV is one of the most common causes of congenital anomalies. Simple measures that pregnant women can take can help prevent an infection and/or fetal transmission. Young children often carry the virus, often without symptoms, and often are the ones who transmit it to pregnant women. It is primarily transmitted through urine and saliva. Good hand washing techniques (especially after diapering or wiping noses of young children) and minimizing sharing food, utensils, straws, etc with young children will go a long way at prevention. If we didn't already have enough reasons to practice good hand washing, here is another.:)

For more details on transmission, prevention and detection, please visit:

Here also is a short video from an epidemiologist providing information and prevention tools.

**As a teensy aside, this is information to share with pregnant women about simple disease prevention tools and awareness...I am not a fan of fearmongering and am rather disappointed when others present health information with the purpose of scaring people into participating or not participating in specific actions. So, just a gentle reminder to be sensible and professional in sharing health information. Avoiding sensationalizing or exaggerating information to get people on board with your way of thinking is far more professional and compassionate. Support responsible free-thinkers, not needy clones:)...hmm I feel another Bella Dolce soap box blog entry coming on... 

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